How to Use Spanish in a Barber Shop?
It is a great experience getting a haircut in Europe, or in a country of Latin America. While it can be intimidating in the States trying to make sure the stylist does your hair right, it can be scarier when you don't know the language of the person who is changing such a basic part of your identity. Read on to learn how to use Spanish in a barber shop.
- Request an appointment, if necessary, by saying "Quisiera una cita, por favor" (kee-see-AY-rah OO-ah SEE-tah pohr fah-VOHR). Add "por favor"--please--to your requests to make them more polit
- Say "Quisiera cortarme el pelo" (kee-see-AY-rah cohr-TAHR-may ehl PAY-loh) to tell the attendant that you want a haircut.
- Tell the stylist that you want it long by saying "Largo" (LAHR-goh). Tell her that you want it short by saying "corto" (KOHR-toh).
- Ask for a trim if you only want a little bit taken off or if you just want to shape your hair. "Quiero un recorte" (kee-AY-roh oon ray-KOHR-tay) means "I want a trim." Add that you just want to give it some shape by saying "...para que tenga forma" (PAH-rah kay TEHN-gah FOHR-mah).
- Let the stylist to trim your sideburns by saying "Quisiera que recortaras las patillas" (kee-see-AY-rah kay kohr-TAH-ras lahs pah-TEE-yas). Add the mustache by saying "el bigote" (ehl bee-GOH-tay) or the beard by saying "la barba" (lah BAHR-bah).
- Request hair removal from certain parts of the body by saying "Quisiera que me quitaras los pelos" (kee-see-AY-rah kay may kee-TAH-ras lohs PAY-lohs. Add from where you want them taken by pointing and saying "de aquĆ" (day ah-KEE), which means "from here."
- Explain to the stylist to wash and dry your hair by saying "Quiero que me laves y me seques el pelo" (kee-AY-roh kay may LAH-vays ee may SAY-kays ehl PAY-loh). You can ask for mousse by saying "Ponga un poco de gel" (POHN-gah oon POH-koh day hel) if you want a little. If you want a lot, substitute the word "mucho" (MOO-choh) for the phrase "un poco de."
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