Thursday, March 22, 2012

Causes of Hair Falling out!!!!

Sneaky Reasons Your Hair Is Falling Out 

The Basics of Hair Fall

causes of Hair Fall
Hair Fall?
Your hair lives in a state of constant cyclical movement. At any given moment a certain percentage of hair is in a “Growth Phase” (usually about 85 percent of hairs), a “Transitional Phase,” or a “Resting Phase.” When a given hair follicle transitions from resting to growth, the old hair is pushed out by a new hair.

It is this cycle that causes what we think of as every day most people hair fall between 50 to 100 hairs each day. And on days when we shampoo, we tend to lose more, says Amy McMichael, M.D., a professor of dermatology at Wake Forest Baptist Health. Hence, why none of us should be alarmed if we leave a small clump of hair behind after we shower (although unclogging the drain is probably a good idea).Paradi Mirmirani, M.D., a dermatologist with The Permanente Medical Group, explains the life cycle of hair as, "a very biologic rhythm … where certain things can disrupt this rhythm.” Dr. Mirmirani explains that these “disruptions” are what often lead to hair fall.

The Most Common Cause of Hair Fall

causes of Hair Fall
Cause of Hair Fall
Although there are a large array of possible triggers for hair fall, the most common cause remains male and female pattern baldness. “Fifty percent of men and women will have some manifestation of hereditary hair fall,” says Mirmirani, “although the pattern of hair fall differs."
This genetically-driven hair fall is not experienced through excessive shedding, but rather a gradual thinning of the hair. Baldness just doesn’t happen overnight. It is also experienced differently in men and women. While men often go completely bald -- specifically on the crown or top of their heads -- women usually experience general thinning on the top of the scalp and rarely experience anything close to total baldness. According to George Cotsarelis, M.D., chairman of the University of Pennsylvania Department of Dermatology, female pattern hair fall “tends to start early if it’s going to be severe.” He says of his female patients, “They [often] think they’ll be bald and [get] very frightened. Most of the time if they’re in their 40s, 50s, 60s, they’re not going to.”
As an aside, many men and women that experience pattern baldness are also shown to have higher than average levels of insulin. Although the correlation between insulin resistance (pre-diabetes) and hair fall had been well-established in men, in the last decade, research has found the same connection in women.

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